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Sample Workshops

Our 60 minute workshops will give you an introduction to some of the areas covered within digital wellness. You'll learn how you can apply digital well-being to your individual lives or implement it within your wellness strategy to benefit your entire organisation.  All our workshops are tailored to your individual needs and usually start with an online questionnaire on your current habits.

Introduction to Digtal Wellbeing


  • Introduction into Digital Wellness

  • The impact of digital distractions on stress, focus and productivity ​

  • The impact of our constantly- connected lives on our mental well-being and a menu of micro-habits we can embed to protect our mental wellbeing

  • The consequences of being tethered to technology on our physical health and a menu of micro-habits to protect our basic biological needs.

Becoming (In) Distractable

  • Exploring the impact of internal and external triggers

  • Restoring attention with science-backed solutions

  • Implementing effective digital boundaries and intentional technology practices

  • Understanding Willpower 

  • Digital Etiquette- The impact of devices on conversation and connection

Multi-tasking and Decison Making 

  • Dispelling the Myth of “Multitasking” 

  • The cognitive and emotional impact of digital multitasking. 

  • What happens in the brain as a result

  • The impact on decision-making and productivity

  • Restoring Attention and boosting willpower to aid decision-making 

Addictive Design & Our Happy Hormones 

  • Principals of persuasive design and the attention economy 

  • Key hormones responsible for regulating happiness & and behaviour and how they manifest online and on our devices

  •  What happens in case of an imbalance? 

  •  Habits Vs Addiction

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